Once the Payroll module is set up, processing and printing payroll checks occurs each pay period. Processing checks involves entering time and dollar or timesheet information, calculating the payroll checks, reviewing the checks for accuracy, printing checks and posting payroll batches to update the General Ledger.
Procedures for processing the payroll
- Ensure Payroll is in the proper period. If not, close the Payroll module through the General Ledger using the Closing screen.
- Ensure all salary adjustments have been entered for salaried employees. The adjustments are typically done on the Deduction tab of the employee maintenance screen.
- Ensure all time and dollar or timesheets information has been entered. The Time and Dollar input screen is used for entering any additional earnings for the employee other than the salary. It can also be used to create entries that may be needed to reduce the employee Salary. Timesheets are required or usually apply when the employee's earning is designated as Hourly.
- Calculate the payroll for the current pay period.
- Run the Check Preview report.
- Review the report to verify the information is correct.
- Compare the earnings on the Check Preview 'Earnings and Deductions Totals' report with the total earnings from the batch control reports for this pay period.
- If changes are necessary, corrections need to be made in one of the following ways:
- To correct earnings, a new batch needs to be entered in the Time and Dollar entry screen for the correction. The payroll needs to be recalculated after the correction batch is released.
- To correct deductions that do not affect tax withholdings, use the Review/Edit Check window to make the corrections. Payroll does not need to be recalculated.
- To correct deductions that do affect tax withholding, go to the Employee Deductions window and make the correction. Then go to the Calculation window and recalculate the payroll with the corrected deductions.
- Run the Check Preview report to verify the changes. The Check Preview report may be generated as many times as necessary.
- When the Check Preview report is accurate, print the report or export the data and file it in the payroll period binder or repository. Any other custom reports that relate to the pay period being processed should also be filed at this point. Note:- After the next Step - 10, this report will be blank for the current pay period being processed.
- Print the checks using the Checks report window.
- Review the check printing process for completeness.
- The process in Step - 10 creates a batch in the screen called 'Check Update'. This confirms that the process completed successfully. If the batch is missing, it implies that the process did not complete and requires that you repeat Step - 10. If the attempt fails again, seek for technical support.
- Open the Check Update screen to select the payroll batch for the pay period and finalize the payroll processing by selecting the 'Keep All' option under Check Handling and click processing. This process also releases the payroll batch.
- Open the Release PR Batches screen to confirm that no batch exists. If the batch fails to release in Step - 12, it will be included in this screen. You can select the batch and attempt to process it again in this screen. Close and re-open the screen to confirm. If the batch still exists, seek for technical support.
- Open the Manual Check screen to confirm that the batch exists. The batch should have the same period as the payroll pay period.
- Post the Payroll Batch through the General Ledger.
- Close the Payroll module period through the General Ledger to prepare for the next pay period processing.